Saturday, April 26, 2008

My birth

25 April 2008 at 9.03 I was born. The doctors took me out while my baba was dressed as a surgeon and my anne was a bit dreamy. Then they washed me and after that baba and me went to a room where the nurses measured me. Soon after that mama came and I lied down in mamas arms, it was wonderful. Now we are a family. All Friday people came to visit me in the hospital, it was amazing, but I slept a lot.

In the night it was not easy to sleep in the hospital for mama and papa because the nurses came so much and I had to cry several times and make a kaka. I had never drunk milk before, so it had to get out.

Today Saturday 26 April we went to our house. It was great, I slept with mama in our bed and drunk milk and later I slept again on the couch on papas chest.

Now I am sleeping again while aunt Nezahat and Teyze hug me frequently.

It is nice to be born and to be in my new family,

Aline Daphne


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby the two of you maid. Alin Daphne looks nog only very healthy, but quite big as well. The babyhair is in a few days probabably going to dissapear. And, then who knows??, she might get blond hairs. Wouldn't that be interesting in Turkey? All the best to the three of you. Stay healthy and see you soon.


MAVİANNE said...

Geb, Congratulations for your baby,
I was very happy when I heart born your baby
Alin looks like to you
What did Filiz thought about this :)

See you

Anonymous said...

Sevgili Filiz, seni ve eşini tebrik ediyorum, güzel bir sanat eseri çıkmış ortaya, Artık yeni fotomodelim belli oldu.
Allah analı babalı büyütsün. İngilizce yazmaya üşendim sen şimdi kocana çevirirsin bunları :)
Hakan Baykal